Dr. Gwyneth Sutherlin

Associate Professor

Director of UC2

Artificial Intelligence Ethics, Cognitive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural Analysis

Areas of Interest:

Cognitive Linguistics, cross-cultural analysis, sociocultural analysis, influence operations, joint doctrine, globally integrated operations, emerging technology for conflict analysis, UX design, mediation, methods and analysis

Google Scholar Citations (link)

Dr. Sutherlin is a leading expert in socio-cultural analysis--the translation of qualitative research into discrete technology design for decision-making. As a faculty member in the College of Information Cyberspace at the National Defense University, she develops curriculum to advance the leadership for Globally Integrated Operations in the Information Environment and supports the Joint Staff as a subject matter expert.  She is also a visiting scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the group for national security and artificial intelligence. Her teaching and research focus on information influence, emerging technology, and data analysis. Formerly the Director of Human Geography & Analytics Research at a commercial firm, she led teams in technology development, geospatial analysis, and social science research to support the Joint Staff, Global Combatant Commands, the Department of State, and other USG and partner nations' teams.  She draws from over a decade of field experience focused on multilingual communications, risk evaluation, and cognitive pattern analysis in conflict environments. Her hands-on experience in designing intercultural conflict resolution and strategic communication programs in North Africa garnered UN recognition for innovation. Dr. Sutherlin speaks and publishes frequently on cultural cognitive variation in UX, social science driven ML, crowdsourcing for decision-making, and localized data analysis models supporting national security policy decisions. Her research appears in security training, textbooks on emerging technology for conflict analysis, and UN special reports. Dr. Sutherlin has a degree in political science from Indiana University and a PhD in peace and conflict studies from the University of Bradford. She has worked in eight languages. 

Current research:

2023-24 Principal Investigator on OSD CAPE funded: Evaluating Wargaming across DoD for JS J8 and OSD CAPE

2023-25 Co-PI Investigator on OSD Minerva DECUR funded project: Artificial Intelligence Design across Cultures: Cognitive Linguistics Describes Ethical Implications

2021-2023 Lead Scientist with Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory team on US DOD funded project: Civil Affairs In Irregular Warfare and Governance Support Courses

2019-22 Principal Investigator on US DOD and UK MOD funded project: Concept Lens

2019-22 Co-PI Investigator on OSD Minerva DECUR funded project: Understanding Chinese Influence

Selected publications:

Sutherlin, G. (ed.) (2022). Academics vs Aliens: Selected Essays on Social Science Research, Defense Education, and the Power of Partnerships. NDU Press.

Sutherlin, G. (2021). “Nigeria and AI.” In: L. Steckman (Ed.), Examining Internet and Technology around the World. ABC-Clio.  

Sutherlin, G. (2018). Levels of Analysis. In: Changing Sociocultural Dynamics and Implications for National Security: proceedings of a workshop. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

Sutherlin, G. (ed.). (2018). Blame, Sway, and Vigilante Tactics: How Cultures Think Differently and Implications for Planning. A Strategic Multilayer Assessment White Paper. Joint Staff J39, Department of Defense.

Sutherlin, G. (2013).  A voice in the crowd: broader implications for crowdsourcing translation during crisis. Journal of Information Science. Vol. 39(3), 397–409.

Sutherlin, G. (2012). The Digital Battlefield: controlling the technology of revolution.  IRIE International Review of Information Ethics. Vol. 18.