CIC Class of 2026,
Congratulations on your selection to attend the College of Information and Cyberspace the most cutting-edge war college within the National Defense University (NDU). This program combines a senior-level Joint Professional Military Education program with a rigorous Master of Science in Strategic Information and Cyberspace Studies.
Your selection to attend this joint education program at NDU recognizes your potential for significant future contributions to your service, agency, and nation. We know you will find the experience intellectually challenging, professional rewarding, and personally satisfying. In addition to the rigor of the academic program, you will also have the opportunity to interact with colleagues from across the U.S. government, international partners, and the joint force. NDU alums worldwide cite these professional and personal linkages as a highlight of this unique experience.
Instructions for Incoming Students
- NDU Connect Access
- Incoming Students to NDU programs in AY26 will be sent a welcome message from NDU Connect to the email address that you provide in your application or that was provided to NDU by your service or agency representative.
- Upon receipt of the welcome message, please follow the link and instructions in the email to set your password and access the NDU Connect Student Portal.
- Instructions for navigation the NDU Connect Student Portal and other important onboarding instructions are provided at the link below.
- Cybersecurity In-Processing Requirements
Three documents are required for access to the NDU network and technology systems:
A. NDU System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Form 2875 -- This document will be created and prepopulated for you.
B. NDU Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) -- This document will be created and prepopulated for you.
C. Valid cyber awareness training certificate -- You must provide this document. To be valid, the certificate must be:
- Generated by an official training website or institution.
- Dated at least nine months prior to the course start date (e.g., if the course start date is 1 August 2025, then your certificate must be dated on or after 1 November 2024).
- Service, agency, and Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) cyber awareness training courses are acceptable. An acceptable cyber awareness training course is also available to the public at
The cyber compliance process will be accomplished via DocuSign for Federal Government, a secure government cloud system.
You will be emailed a DocuSign envelope with your prepopulated 2875 and AUP for signature, and you will also be required to attach your cyber training certificate to the DocuSign envelope. When you complete the DocuSign process, the envelope will be routed to other recipients for their signatures on the 2875.
You should receive your cyber compliance documents at your preferred email address via DocuSign within 48 hours of completing the Onboarding Wizard.
In DocuSign, you will enter the date of your cyber awareness training and attach the certificate to the DocuSign envelope. The date you enter on the form and the date on the certificate you attach must match.
Please notify your security manager that they will receive the DocuSign envelope at the email address you provided in the wizard. They must complete and sign Part III of the 2875 for the cyber compliance process to proceed.
You will be notified when your NDU technology accounts are created. At that point, your original NDU Connect credentials will be invalid and you will access the NDU Connect Student Portal using single sign-on.
Please see the NDU link to IT Requirements and Guidance for more information
- Name Tag Request
Please complete the CIC Student Name Tag Form No later than 10 July 2025
- Passing Student Clearances to NDU
All security clearance information must be submitted to the NDU Security Office at least 30 days prior to the first day of class. Security Specialist POCs are Montez Winters, (202) 685-2134, and Cody Maxwell, (202) 685-7309. More information on how to accomplish this task can be found on the Incoming Civilian Student or Incoming Military Students webpages. Multiple lessons and local field studies will be at the TS/SCI level.
- Student Attire. CIC has 4 Student Uniforms; the normal student attire is "business casual"
Military Class A uniform and civilians in Suit and Tie
(equivalent attire for women).
Long-sleeve, button-down shirt, jacket, dress pants, and dress shoes, and equivalent attire for women, military can wear closed collared Class B’s (with Tie).
Long-sleeve, button-down shirt, jacket, dress pants, and dress shoes, and equivalent attire for women, military can wear open collared Class B’s.
Polo typically with CIC Logo and dress pants
(normally on Fridays).
6. Leave/ Pass Expectations: All students should take any leave they find necessary prior to 5 August. Once the school year begins, all students should plan on attending classes each day, Monday through Friday. A large majority of learning occurs during interactions in the classroom; so any requested absence from class is not normally permitted. Your opportunity to take leave or obtain a pass will be limited to normal weekends, federal holidays (three/ four day weekends), the Thanksgiving holidays and the Winter break (two weeks). Leave requests outside of these windows will typically be denied, with the exception of emergency leave.
7. In the upper right side of this page, there are several useful links to help guide you as you prepare for arrival.