Tuition Questions

What does it cost to attend the College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC)?
There are no fees for Department of Defense (DoD) students in CIC courses or programs. This includes DoD civilian, Active U.S. Military & Uniformed Services, Active Military Reserve and National Guard. Tuition for Civilian students employed by Non-DoD Federal, State and Local Government Agencies is $1,100 per course. Private Sector students have a tuition cost of $2,200 per course. Additional details on CIC tuition can be found on the CIC website HERE.


I do not qualify for admission under my Reserve/Guard status and must apply as a non-DoD Civilian/Private Sector student. Will I be required to pay tuiton?
Tuition is invoiced according to the employment status under which the applicant was admitted. If the applicant does not qualify for admission under their Reserve/Guard status, then they will be considered a non-DoD Civilian/Private Sector student and invoiced tuition accordingly.