Colonel Bryan Eberhardt is the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Chair at the College of Information and Cyberspace, National Defense University, Fort McNair Washington D.C. He completed his degree in Computer Science at the Virginia Military Institute and was commissioned in 1996. He has served in various positions at the squadron, Major Command, Air Staff, and Joint levels in the Pacific, Europe, and Continental United States, and is also an Army-trained Combat Advisor. Prior to his current assignment, Colonel Eberhardt served as the Chief, Cyberspace Superiority Panel, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Air Staff, the Pentagon. His office oversaw the Planning and Programming of nearly $6 billion annually across over 150 Cyberspace, Information Technology and Expeditionary Warfighter Communications programs supporting the Air Force and Combatant Commands.
Notably, Colonel Eberhardt has completed three remote tours to Korea and additional deployments in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM from Incirlik AB, Turkey, Operation ENDURING FREEDOM at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, and Operation NEW DAWN in Ramadi, Iraq. He also served as Squadron Commander for both the 8th Communications Squadron, Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea and 55th Strategic Communications Squadron, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.