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News | Feb. 9, 2013

New Guidance: Change to Marine/Coast Guard Pedestrian Gate

By Patricia Coopersmith

Effective Monday, February 11th, 2013, the Marine Pedestrian gate on Fort McNair - also referred as the ICAF gate OR Coast Guard Gate - will operate electronically. This is a change to the status, as the old procedures had a guard who would check people in. This is being discontinued. Those taking the Coast Guard shuttle and walking over to Fort McNair should pay particular attention.

EVERYONE who passes through the gate must have the capability of opening the gate electronically using the NDU badge via the card reader located at the gate. New students to campus who do not have an NDU badge yet will have to enter through the main Visitor Gate on 2 ND St NW, check in on campus to get their NDU badge and will then be able to use the other gate per procedures below.

NO PIGGYBACKING IS AUTHORIZED . There will be an assigned Police Officer at the gate observing and having oversight ensuring that NO ONE tailgates. Procedurally, this will require some discipline and patience by everyone. For example: You walk to the gate, place your NDU badge to the reader and the gate will open (release the lock). Once you walk in or out, each one is responsible to ensure that the gate closes and locks. The courtesy of keeping the gate open for the next person to walk through will NOT be authorized. The Police Officer having oversight will ensure that it does not happen.

The hours of operation for the gate will remain the same: 0600 to 1800hrs, Monday through Friday. The gate will be locked during weekends and Federal holidays.