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News | April 14, 2014

Curriculum Changes and the Joint Education Transformation Effort

By Mary McCully

Thank you for your continued strong interest and active participation in NDU iCollege courses and programs. Though 2013 was a year of government cutbacks and sequestration, NDU, to include the iCollege, grabbed the opportunity as a whole to change and emerge leaner and stronger! We are changing and realigning to support the Chairman’s Joint Force 2020 vision, the DoD CIO’s new responsibilities in the Joint Information Environment (JIE) (DoD Memo, May 6, 2013), and the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Strategy (Nov 2013). To better meet the needs of you (our students) and stakeholders, the iCollege streamlined its educational programs so you can access and complete your studies over a shorter time period. The following changes are effective 1 July 2014: 

  • 36 graduate credit hours (vice 39) now needed to earn our Master of Science Degree in Government Information Leadership
  • 6 course (vice 8) required to complete our Cyber Leadership, IT Program Management, Chief Information Officer, and Chief Financial Officer certificate programs
  • Enterprise Architecture program is now a 2-certificate (vice 3) offering, with 4 courses per tier
  • Cyber Security (Cyber-S) program remains a 3-tier program, but now requires 3, 4, and 6 courses respectively (vice 4, 5, and 8 courses)
  • Government Strategic Leader (GSL) certificate and GSL concentration in the Master’s Degree are being phased out (no new GSL applications accepted)
  • Streamlined and combined several courses (program graphics on web outline the changes)
  • New iCollege website allows easier access to course information and college links
  • Working with our 35+ academic partner universities to adjust agreements for credit transfer.
Please refer to the iCollege website at for information on the changes and how they may impact your program. Review the 2014-2015 Catalog and Student Handbook, which will be published this summer, for more comprehensive details. If you have any questions on your programs, contact Ms. Logan, iCollege Student Advisor ( Ms. Logan will be regularly visiting the eResident courses to address any certificate or M.S. degree questions. We will also continue to post details, reminders, and other key information on our website, Facebook page, Twitter feed, and via periodic email notices. 

Please note: All students will be automatically transferred into the new versions of the programs. If you would prefer to remain in the old program version, simply notify the Office of Students Services via email (
You, our students, are our credentials. Your NDU iCollege is confident we will continue to meet your information leadership and cyber education needs. 


Dr. Mary S. McCully 
Chancellor (Acting), and Dean of Faculty and Academic Programs 
National Defense University iCollege