Updated - 10 Sept 2014
Please see the attached report (pdf) for proceedings from Cyber Beacon, and here are some pictures from the session. Enjoy!
Pictures below...

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The NDU iCollege and the Army Cyber Institute (ACI) at West Point
National Defense University
Fort Lesley J. McNair
Washington, DC
July 15-16, 2014

On July 15-16, 2014, the NDU iCollege and the Army Cyber Institute brought together approximately 40 key stakeholders from across the DoD, academic partner institutions, and other government organizations to provide situational awareness on current DoD cyber education programs, identify potential gaps, and map out desired end states.
Opening remarks of the workshop were provided by LTG Edward Cardon, USA, Commander, Army Cyber Command, and Russell Quirici, iCollege Dean of Students. The roadmap for CYBER BEACON 2014 were provided by event co-chairs COL Jon Brickey, Ph.D, USA, Army Cyber Command, and CDR David Di Tallo, iCollege faculty, USN.
The workshop focused on the following key areas and questions:
- What is the difference between Leader Development, Training, & Education?
- What are the Strategic Requirements for the Cyber Workforce?
- What are the Operational Requirements for Cyber Leader Development, Training, and Education?
- How can DoD and the federal government leverage industry and academia for cyber best practices?
This was the second annual Cyber Beacon event. The 2013 event focused on senior leader cyber education needs and training gaps. The 2014 event was focused on the practitioner level. The event summary report out will be available soon.