As part of their research duties at the NDU iCollege, professors published the following articles in 2014. Where links are not provided, a simple web search should connect you to the article.
NDU Information Resources Management College (NDU iCollege) Publications
January 2014 - December 2014
> Allen, N., Kent, R. (2014). “Leadership Development in Dynamic and Hazardous Environments”. High Stakes Consulting and Coaching Conference, American Psychological Association Division 13 Society of Consulting Psychologists. San Antonio, TX, February 2014.
> Allen, N., Roberts, J., and Tsai, M. (2014) “Resilience Panel”. National Security and Psychology Symposium. National Defense University, Washington, D.C. June 2014.
> Boddie S., W. & Kun, L (2014). “Global Food Safety Product Management: A Holistic, Integrated, Strategic Approach”. Health and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s12553-014-0077-8.
> Chen, J. & Duvall, G. (2014). “Cybersecurity Strategy: An Ingredient for Success”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. 33-39. ACPI, Sonning Common, UK.
> Chen, J. & Duvall, G. (2014). “On Operational-Level Cybersecurity Strategy Formation”. Journal of Information Warfare, 13 (3), 79-87.
> Gingrich, G. (2014). “Thinking Strategically in the Cyber World”. Federal Times. Retrieved from
> Hurley, J., Kern. S., & Everetts, R. (2014). “Cyber Readiness: Are We There Yet?”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. 92-98. Sonning Common, UK.
> Kasprzak, J. & Robinson, P. (2014). “The internet of things”. Paper for the "Science, Technology and Engineering 2030" Seminar sponsored by the J7 Future Joint Force Development.
> Kern, S. and others. (2014). “Senior Cyber Leadership: Why a Technically Competent Workforce is Not Enough”. Report. Cyber Security Forum Initiative. Retrieved from
> Kern, S. (2014). “Should You Need a License to Practice Cybersecurity?” Nextgov. Retrieved from