News & Announcements

News | Feb. 13, 2015

NDU iCollege Professors Published Several Articles in 2014

By Patricia Coopersmith

As part of their research duties at the NDU iCollege, professors published the following articles in 2014.  Where links are not provided, a simple web search should connect you to the article.  

NDU Information Resources Management College (NDU iCollege) Publications

January 2014 - December 2014

> Allen, N., Kent, R. (2014). “Leadership Development in Dynamic and Hazardous Environments”. High Stakes Consulting and Coaching Conference, American Psychological Association Division 13 Society of Consulting Psychologists. San Antonio, TX, February 2014.

> Allen, N., Roberts, J., and Tsai, M. (2014) “Resilience Panel”. National Security and Psychology Symposium. National Defense University, Washington, D.C. June 2014.

> Boddie S., W. & Kun, L (2014). “Global Food Safety Product Management: A Holistic, Integrated, Strategic Approach”. Health and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s12553-014-0077-8.

> Chen, J. & Duvall, G.  (2014). “Cybersecurity Strategy: An Ingredient for Success”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. 33-39. ACPI, Sonning Common, UK.

> Chen, J. & Duvall, G. (2014). “On Operational-Level Cybersecurity Strategy Formation”. Journal of Information Warfare, 13 (3), 79-87.

> Gingrich, G. (2014). “Thinking Strategically in the Cyber World”. Federal Times. Retrieved from

> Hurley, J., Kern. S., & Everetts, R. (2014). “Cyber Readiness: Are We There Yet?”.  Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. 92-98. Sonning Common, UK.

> Kasprzak, J. & Robinson, P. (2014). “The internet of things”. Paper for the "Science, Technology and Engineering 2030" Seminar sponsored by the J7 Future Joint Force Development.

> Kern, S. and others. (2014). “Senior Cyber Leadership: Why a Technically Competent Workforce is Not Enough”. Report. Cyber Security Forum Initiative. Retrieved from

> Kern, S. (2014). “Should You Need a License to Practice Cybersecurity?” Nextgov. Retrieved from