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News | June 9, 2016

iCollege Graduates 91 Master's Degree Students

On Thursday, June 9th, over 500 graduates of four National Defense University (NDU) colleges received Master’s Degrees at a ceremony held on the NDU campus at Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington DC.  Of the students, 91 graduates received the Master of Science Degree in Government Information Leadership (GIL) from the NDU Information Resources Management College (iCollege). The MS GIL Degree is a selective program that addresses the educational needs of defense and government leaders who seek to lead complex and diverse 21st Century organizations. Participants from across defense and other federal, state, and local government organizations create a learning community hallmarked by partnerships, information sharing, and network synergies.

In addition to the iCollege MS Degree, 14 students also completed requirements for the college’s Senior Service College (SSC) program, which is in its first/pilot year. The SSC curriculum focuses on the information/cyberspace instrument of national security. It provides Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) II graduate-level credit to senior military and civilian leaders with an emphasis on the military, government, and private sector dimensions of cyberspace.

RADM Jan Hamby, USN (Ret.), Chancellor of the NDU iCollege, bestowed diplomas on the graduates, who represented the Department of Defense (several branches/agencies), Coast Guard, State Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S Court of Appeals, Veterans Affairs, Federal Aviation Administration, Census Bureau, several U.S. private-sector companies, and the country of Serbia. 

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