Professional Development Opportunities

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Students not wishing to pursue a certificate or degree program may enroll in the iCollege as non-degree seeking status. These students may take courses for either graduate/certificate credit (academic credit) or pass/fail (non-credit). Students may transfer credit bearing courses taken while in a non-degree seeking status toward a certificate requirement at any time. This will allow undecided students to sample courses before applying to a certificate program. For courses to count towarda certificate, the Master’s Degree, or as a prerequisite,students must take them for credit.

Students Electing Courses for Non-Credit

Certificate/Degree seeking students may also elect to takea course pass/fail. Students must discuss their intent totake a course for non-credit with each Offering Leader,and satisfy attendance and participation requirements forthe course as outlined in its assessment plan. See theacademic policies section for more information.

Why You Might Choose a Course for Professional Development
  • You are looking for courses designed to enhance your ability to perform your job more efficiently andeffectively.
  • You completed a certificate with the iCollege and/or have an advanced degree and are now focusedon specific tasks or duties that require additional knowledge or perspectives.
  • You are an information leader who wants to refresh your knowledge by taking new courses.
  • You are new to the iCollege and interested in trying out the courses before you commit to a certificate program.
  • Your career field requires you to take continuing education courses to satisfy or maintain certifications.
Talk with your personnel office to ensure you are enrolling in the correct courses.