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College of Information and Cyberspace
National Defense University
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Mission & Vision
Faculty & Staff
Fact Sheet
Eligibility Requirements
Admissions Calendar
Application Instructions
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International Students
Prospective Students FAQs
Program Offerings
Course Offerings
Admissions Process
Returning Students
Current Students
JPME II Incoming Students
LDP Incoming Students
Student Registration
Bring Your Own Device
Completion Procedures / Order Transcripts
Student Services and Resources
Current Students FAQs
Course Registration
Current Student Tuition
Eligibility Changes
Program Enrollment Changes
Program Completion
Academic Policies
Graduate Catalog
M.S. in Strategic Information and Cyberspace Studies
JPME Master's Degree
Cyber Workforce Master's Degree (Part Time)
Leadership Development Programs
Graduate Certificates
Academic Partners
Cyber Beacon
Cyber PME Colloquium
Hopper Award
Lecture Series
CYBERCOM Symposium
How to work with us
Center for Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Center POC
Cybersecurity Supporting Faculty
CAE-CDE CISO Certificate Program
Cybersecurity Trending News
Cyber Labs
Ethical Hacking
Critical Infrastructure - SCADA
Cyber Exercises
Tabletop Exercise
Cyber Competitions
Cyber Resources and Awareness
Stakeholder / Industry Advisory Council
Contact Us
Access to Ft. McNair
Map of Ft. McNair
Professional Development Opportunities
Non-Degree Seeking Students
Students not wishing to pursue a certificate or degree program may enroll in the iCollege as non-degree seeking status. These students may take courses for either graduate/certificate credit (academic credit) or pass/fail (non-credit). Students may transfer credit bearing courses taken while in a non-degree seeking status toward a certificate requirement at any time. This will allow undecided students to sample courses before applying to a certificate program. For courses to count towarda certificate, the Master’s Degree, or as a prerequisite,students must take them for credit.
Students Electing Courses for Non-Credit
Certificate/Degree seeking students may also elect to takea course pass/fail. Students must discuss their intent totake a course for non-credit with each Offering Leader,and satisfy attendance and participation requirements forthe course as outlined in its assessment plan. See theacademic policies section for more information.
Why You Might Choose a Course for Professional Development
You are looking for courses designed to enhance your ability to perform your job more efficiently andeffectively.
You completed a certificate with the iCollege and/or have an advanced degree and are now focusedon specific tasks or duties that require additional knowledge or perspectives.
You are an information leader who wants to refresh your knowledge by taking new courses.
You are new to the iCollege and interested in trying out the courses before you commit to a certificate program.
Your career field requires you to take continuing education courses to satisfy or maintain certifications.
Talk with your personnel office to ensure you are enrolling in the correct courses.