CIC Alumni Network
The College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) at National Defense University (NDU) has a robust and diverse pool of alumni across the broader national security community. This Network is a program of CIC, existing to support the mission of CIC by enhancing:
(1) the student educational experience by facilitating mentorship connections,
(2) student and home organization's return on investment (ROI) by providing access to a very high-quality network of national security professionals, and
(3) branding and recruitment efforts (student and faculty)
Planned activities include networking gatherings on the NDU campus, (optionally) attended by current students, faculty, and staff. Alumni will be contacted about gathering details.

Major General Akisugu Kimura (CIC Class of 2021 Alumni and Inaugural Commander of the Cyber Defense Command of Japan) visiting Chancellor Lewis in Marshall Hall (28 March 2023)