Dr. Richard Love


Cyber Law, International Solutions for State-based Frameworks: Environmental, Nuclear, and Cyber Nexus

Covert and Targeted Operations, Espionage,

Areas of Interest:

International solutions for state-based frameworks of environmental, nuclear, and cyber nexus. Covert and targeted operations, espionage, and assassination.

Dr. Richard Love is currently a professor at NDU's College of Information and Cyberspace and recently served as a professor of strategic studies at U.S. Army War College's (USAWC) School of Strategic Landpower and as assistant director of the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute from 2016-2021. From 2002 to 2016, Dr. Love served as a professor and senior research fellow at NDU's Institute for National Strategic Studies / WMD Center.  He is an adjunct professor teaching law, international relations, and public policy at Catholic University and has taught law and policy courses at Georgetown, the Army Command and General Staff College, the Marshall Center, and the Naval Academy, among others.  He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations and Security Studies from the University of New South Wales in Australia (2017), an LLM from American University School of Law (2002), and a Juris Doctor in Corporate and Security Law from George Mason University School of Law. His graduate studies in East-West relations were conducted at the Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland, and the University of Munich, in Germany.  His undergraduate degree is from the University of Virginia.