LTC Nalonie J.M. Tyrrell


Cyber Intelligence, International Relations, Red Teaming, Cyber Intelligence Planning

Areas of interest: 

Cyber Intelligence, International Relations, Red Teaming, Cyber Intelligence Planning


 LTC Nalonie Tyrrell is experienced in Cyber Intelligence Threat, and Red Teaming in Wargame. A career Army Intelligence officer, she has executed intelligence missions at the tactical, operational and strategic levels of national security. As a faculty member in the College of Information Cyberspace at the National Defense University, she develops curriculum to advance the leadership for Foundation in Information Environment, American Studies, and Warfighting and Disruptive Technologies. Her teaching curriculum development focus on cyber used as intelligence threat and collection. Her research appears in security training, textbooks on emerging technology for conflict analysis, and UN special reports. Dr. Jackie Doe has a Master’s degrees from The University of Texas at Austin in Public Affairs, the National Intelligence University in Strategic Intelligence and History from Harvard University. She has worked in five languages.

Current Courses: 

  • Foundations of the Information Environment (FIE)
  • Warfighting and Disruptive Technology (WDT)
  • American Studies (AS)


Selected Publications: 

Tyrrell, N.; Johnson-Freese, J. (2021). “Getting Serious about Women, Peace and Security, The Strategy Bridge, 13 April 2021

Tyrrell, N. "Expanding the Message"--Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 3Q, FY 21 (also featured on MIPB online site Vantage Point)