Student Registration

Course Offerings and Schedule

CIC Enrollment Procedure

As a student at NDU, you can self-register for courses through the NDU Connect student portal. This feature enables a swift and streamlined process for course registration. You'll find that some courses offer immediate enrollment upon your request (Self Enrollment), while others may require additional approval from a registrar (Requires Approval). Even for the latter, you're still able to initiate your enrollment request via the student portal. Additionally, you may view the enrollment status of your courses from My Courses. Follow the instructions provided below to leverage the self-enrollment feature for your courses. 

  1. Log into the NDU Connect Student Portal  
  2. Select Course Details link (located on the Blue Navigation Bar)
  3. Select the Course Offering button
  4. Locate the appropriate Course Offering ID from the Course Offering ID (a) column and select the link. If the appropriate course offering ID does not display, select the View All (b) link to view additional options.
  5. Select the Register button
  6. Select the Program drop-down menu (a) and make the appropriate selection (b). Select the Next (c) button.
  7. Select the Done button
  8. Navigate back to the Course Details button and select My Courses.
  9. Your enrollment status in the course offering will be visible under the Status (a) column. If the appropriate course offering ID does not display, select the View All (b) link to view additional options.

Note: please see detailed instructions under links.

Registration Periods





Registration Opens


Registration Closes


Course Offerings

Fall 2024

July 1, 2024

September 3, 2023

9 September 2024 -1  December 2024

Spring 2025

October 15, 2024

January 2, 2025

13 January 2025 – 6 April 2025

Summer 2025

February 17, 2025

April 22, 2025

28 April 2025 – 20 July 2025


Courses Formats

Distance Learning (DL) 
The Distance Learning (DL) format engages students and faculty virtually over 12 weeks via Blackboard. Most DLs are asynchronous with a few optional live synchronous sessions woven in for guest speakers etc. Most synchronous sessions will be recorded for student who can’t attend.  During the 12 weeks student engage through weekly lessons, assignments, and discussion boards. Each course will end with a final assessment, which is typically a substantive paper or project that allows students to demonstrate their mastery of the intended learning outcomes. To receive credit for a course, students must be actively engaged virtually in every DL lesson as assigned by faculty.

Course Credits

All CIC eResident and Distance Learning Courses award three (3) graduate credit hours. Courses taken by students in other colleges through the NDU electives system are awarded two (2) graduate credit hours for eRes courses and three (3) hours for DL courses.