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News | Sept. 6, 2023

2023 Cyber Beacon Conference

By 10 Year Anniversary Cyber Beacon

The 10th annual Cyber Beacon is the flagship conference of the College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) at National Defense University (NDU). The conference will be held on October 19 & 20, 2023, as an in-person and virtual event. All students are invited to attend. 

This conference brings together leaders and experts from across public and private sectors to discuss today’s most pressing national security challenges related to the cyberspace domain. The quickly evolving technology in the digital age is having a major impact on modern warfare. Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated, and they can have a devastating impact on critical infrastructure and military operations.

Here are some of the ways that quickly evolving technology is impacting modern warfare:

  • Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and National Security
  • The use of big data
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • The Future of the Digital Workforce
  • Wargaming

The in-person event will be held at Marshall Hall, Room 155. The virtual link will be sent the day prior to those that register for virtual attendance. Stay tuned for speakers and agenda!

All registration requests will be reviewed prior to acceptance.

We encourage Non-DoD/non-federally affiliated attendees to apply in advance for a visitor's pass for ease of access onto Fort Lesley J. McNair, National Defense University Day of the event.