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News | April 3, 2013

NDU iCollege Recertified By NIETP

By Patricia Coopersmith

On March 25, 2013, the iCollege received word from the National IA Education and Training Program (NIETP) that elements of the college's Cyber Security curriculum comprising the NSTISSI 4011, 4015 and CNSSI 4012, 4016A series of national standards has passed recertification and approval. The recertification is for five years. This is a critical step in maintaining the academic standing of the iCollege with key stakeholders, including DOD, NSA, DHS, federal agencies, and our academic partners. The certification validates that the college's curriculum still meets these national standards and will remain valid until they expire or the standards are updated, replaced, or canceled. The iCollege leadership team and Cyber Department Chairperson would like to thank all iCollege faculty & staff for collaborating on the many facets of student learning, academic support, course development, and teaching that made this achievement possible.