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News | March 4, 2013

NDU iCollege Hosts Japanese Delegation

By Patricia Coopersmith

The National Defense University (NDU) iCollege hosted a delegation from theJapanese Officer Exchange Program at the Ft. McNair campus on March 4, 2013.The visit gave members of the Signal Brigade Japan Ground Self Defense Force(JGSDF) the opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations between the U.S.and Japan through an exchange of ideas on cyber security technologies,critical infrastructure protection policies, and a discussion of theiCollege's "Cyber ART Concept" and "Cyber Maturity Model" for educatingCyber Leaders for Cyber Conflict & Asymmetric Warfare with the iCollegefaculty and staff. The visit included a tour of the iCollege Ci-Center, anda hands-on cyber range experience in the NDU iCollege Cyber Network Defense and the SCADA Exploitation Laboratories.