News & Announcements

News | Dec. 4, 2015

Professor Cathy Downes Publishes in Innovative Learning

Cathy Downes
(Dr. Cathy Downes, NDU iCollege) 

Congratulations to Dr. Cathy Downes, of the iCollege's Cyber Leadership Department, for her publication in Innovative Learning: A Key to National Security (Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Army Press), Doughty, Ralph, Wells, Linton, Hales, Theodore (Eds.) (2015, December), 
ISBN 9781840804231.  

Dr. Downes' chapter in this new book is entitled "Rapidly Evolving, Digitally-Enabled Learning Environments: Implications for Institutional Leaders, Educators and Students” (pp. 101-132).  

To contact Cathy Downes, please email her at