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News | April 15, 2016

Hall of Fame recipient honored and CIO LDP Students Graduate

On Friday, April 15, 2016, the National Defense University’s Information Resources Management College (NDU iCollege) held a combined Hall of Fame Ceremony and CIO Leadership Development Program (CIO LDP) Graduation at Fort Lesley J. McNair. 

Chancellor Jan Hamby, RADM (Ret.), USN, welcomed the Hall of Fame inductee, CIO LDP graduates, faculty/staff members, and guests.  The chancellor then introduced Ms. Melissa Hathaway, CEO of Hathaway Global Strategies LLC, who was the Distinguished Lecturer and the Hall of Fame recipient.    

The NDU iCollege Hall of Fame, established in 2012, was designed to honor Alumni and Advocates of the college. This year, the college is proud to honor Distinguished Advocate, Ms. Melissa Hathaway. Because of her significant and enduring recognition as one of the U.S. leading cyber security experts and her direct involvement in making the iCollege grow to the leading school in DoD for cyber security education, Melissa was recognized as the 2016 iCollege Hall of Fame recipient. 

After the Hall of Fame ceremony concluded, the 13 graduates from the CIO Leadership Development Program received their diplomas. Students came from DoD, the State Department, and international partner countries (Morocco, Algeria, Burundi, and South Korea). The CIO LDP is administered in a multi-week intensive, and highly interactive, student-centered educational experience emphasizing leadership skills and abilities. CIO LDP students form a learning community that fosters multiple perspectives on a wide range of issues. The curriculum provides participants with the Chief Information Officer certificate as well as course work toward the Master of Science in Government Information Leadership (CIO Concentration).  This multi-week program runs twice per year, January-April and August-November.  

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