Dr. Jim Chen
On July 7, 2016, Dr. Jim Chen, Professor in the iCollege's Cyber Security Department, and iCollege student Alan Dinerman, are presenting a paper entitled, "Cyber Dominance in Modern Warfare" at the European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS) in Munich, Germany.
The ECCWS 2016 Conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and industrialists who are interested in various cyber security aspects. This Conference is expected to attract people from the cyber security community and the those researching into cyber war technology to stimulate interesting discussions about the latest development and technologies.
Information about the event can be found at: http://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/eccws/ .
iCollege faculty continue to work with students on research papers and projects in the areas of information leadership, cyber, and more. For a full listing of the college's offerings, please visit our website at www.icollege.ndu.edu.