The NDU iCollege CIO Program is the recognized leader in graduate education for Federal leaders and agency personnel. It directly aligns with the Federal CIO Council-defined CIO competencies and addresses the Clinger-Cohen Act and other relevant legislation mandates as well as the current administration’s interpretations and implementations of these legislative actions.Successful CIO graduates will be able to:
- Lead within and across federal organizational boundaries by leveraging information, information technology, human, and financial resources to link critical decisions regarding resources, people, processes, and technologies to mission performance and information assurance
- Balance continuity and change in the development, implementation, and evaluation of government information resources and management strategies and policies while meeting legislative and executive mandates
- Build viable networks across defense, federal, global, and private sector partners
- Commit to lifelong learning and leadership development of self and others
- Communicate at the strategic level demonstrating command of the topic, logical organization, compelling argument, and excellence in English grammar and syntax.
CIO Program graduates earn a certificate signed by the DOD CIO and the NDU iCollege Chancellor that recognizes they have earned an education in the Federal CIO competencies. The CIO certificate program is organized around subject areas directly related to CIO competencies identified by the Federal CIO Council. Selected courses allow students to tailor their CIO program of study to meet their organization’s needs and priorities. Additionally, the CIO certificate is a concentration in the Government Information Leadership Master of Science Degree.Courses are based on each CIO competency. Students work with their supervisors and the iCollege’s Academic Advisor to tailor their program to fit their professional and/or organizational needs within the guidelines set by the CIO Council. Students earn the CIO certificate by successfully completing six (6) courses:
- Three required courses
- One Security course
- One Technology Course
- One Leadership/Management course
Students may apply their certificates, equivalent to at least 15 graduate-level credit hours, toward select master’sor doctoral degree programs at several partner institutions of higher education. See the Academic Partner page inthis catalog or the NDU iCollege website for additional information.
CIO Certificate Requirements (6 Courses)
CIO Core - Required
CIO (6303) - CIO2.0 Roles and Responsibilities
ITA (6415) - Strategic Information Technology Acquisition
SPB (6328) - Strategic Performance and Budget Management
Security - Take One
AII (6203) - Information Assurance and Critical Infrastructure Protection
ESS (6206) - Enterprise Information Security and Risk Management
SEC (6201) - Cyber Security for Information Leaders
Technology - Take One
GEN (6205) - Global Enterprise Networking and Telecommunications
DMS (6414) - Data Management Strategies and Technologies: A Managerial Perspective
EIT (6442) - Emerging Technologies
WGV (6435) - Web-Enabled Government: Facilitating Collaboration and Transparency
Leadership/Management - Take One
ARC (6412) - Enterprise Architectures for Leader
DMG (6323) - Decision Making for Government Leaders
IPL (6411) - Information Technology Program Leadership
ITP (6416) - Information Technology Project Management
LDC (6301) - Leadership for the Information Age
PFM (6315) - Capital Planning and Portfolio Management
Government Information Leadership M.S CIO Concentration (12 Courses)
Foundation (Required)
OCL (6321) - Organizational Culture for Strategic Leaders
CYS (6326) - Cyberspace Strategies
CAP (6700) - Capstone
CIO (6303) - CIO2.0 Roles and Responsibilities
SPB (6328) - Strategic Performance and Budget Management
ITA (6415) - Strategic Information Technology Acquisition
PFM (6315) - Capital Planning and Portfolio Management
Leadership/Management - Take Three
ARC (6412) - Enterprise Architectures for Leaders
DMG (6323) - Decision Making for Government Leaders
IPL (6411) - Information Technology Program Leadership
ITP (6416) - Information Technology Project Management
LDC (6301) - Leadership for the Information Age
MAC (6512) - Multi-Agency Information-Enabled Collaboration
PRI (6333) - Strategies for Process Improvement
Technology - Take One
EIT (6442) - Emerging Technologies
DMS (6414) - Data Management Strategies and Technologies: A Managerial Perspective
GEN (6205) - Global Enterprise Networking and Telecommunications
WGV (6435) - Web-Enabled Government: Facilitating Collaboration and Transparency
Security - Take One
ESS (6206) - Enterprise Information Security and Risk Management
SEC (6201) - Cyber Security for Information Leaders
AII (6203) - Information Assurance and Critical Infrastructure Protection
COO (6504) - Continuity of Operations
SAC (6444) - Strategies for Assuring Cyber Supply Chain Security
TCC (6215) - Terrorism and Crime in Cyberspace