Sept. 18, 2018
Cyber Beacon 2018
19th September 2018 —
Cyber Beacon is the flagship event of the National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace (NDU CIC). The conference brings together experts and leaders from across the national security community, private sector, and academia to discuss the most pressing problems concerning cyberspace, information, and national security. The 2018 conference theme was "decision making in cyberspace" and there were six sessions; deterrence, law and authorities, gaming, innovative collaboration, information and disinformation, and cyberspace graduate education.
Cyber Beacon V was held on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 September 2018 at the NDU campus on Fort McNair in Washington, DC. Attendance was by invitation only, there was no cost to attend the event, and space was limited. While the conference was unclassified, there were optional classified breakout sessions during lunch.
The NDU Foundation supported this conference with catering, reception, and industry information tables. Seating was not assigned, so attendees were encouraged to sit at separate tables from those in their home organizations in order to meet a wider array of fellow professionals in this growing community. Photos from Cyber Beacon IV can be viewed here and from Cyber Beacon V here. See an article about the 2018 Cyber Beacon here. Parking and transportation information can be found here. Check back here for updates about the next Cyber Beacon on 11-12 September 2019.