The NDU iCollege Cyber Leadership (Cyber-L) program focuses on developing the skills and desired leadership attributes necessary to be an effective strategic leader in the cyberspace domain. The program achieves this through a rigorous curriculum that enhances the understanding of all aspects of cyberspace and how to best integrate cyberspace with the other elements of national power to achieve the nation’s strategic objective.
Cyber-L Certificate Requirements (6 Courses)
Core (Required)
CYI (6232) - Cyber Intelligence
CYS (6326) - Cyberspace Strategies
IPC (6228) - International Perspective on Cyberspace
MAC (6512) - Multi-Agency Information-Enabled Collaboration
Electives - Take Two
CBL (6204) - Cyberlaw
CIP (6230) - Critical Infrastructure Protection
TCC (6215) - Terrorism and Crime in Cyberspace
LDC (6301) - Leadership for the Information Age
DMG (6323) - Decision Making for Government Leaders
WGV (6435) - Web-Enabled Government: Facilitating Collaboration and Transparency
SAC (6444) - Strategies for Assuring Cyber Supply Chain Security
EIT (6442) - Emerging Technologies
Government Information Leadership M.S Cyber-Leadership Concentration (12 Courses)
Foundation (Required)
OCL (6321) - Organizational Culture for Strategic Leaders
CYS (6326) - Cyberspace Strategies
CAP (6700) - Capstone
CYI (6232) - Cyber Intelligence
IPC (6228) - International Perspective on Cyberspace
MAC (6512) - Multi-Agency Information-Enabled Collaboration
CBL (6204) - Cyberlaw
Leadership - Take Two
ARC (6412) - Enterprise Architectures for Leaders
DMG (6323) - Decision Making for Government Leaders
LDC (6301) - Leadership for the Information Age
Technology - Take One
EIT (6442) - Emerging Technologies
GEN (6205) - Global Enterprise Networking and Telecommunications
SEC (6201) - Cyber Security for Information Leaders
WGV (6435) - Web-Enabled Government: Facilitating Collaboration and Transparency
Management - Take One
COO (6504) - Continuity of Operations
PFM (6315) - Capital Planning and Portfolio Management
TCC (6215) - Terrorism and Crime in Cyberspace
Core Elective - Take One
SAC (6444) - Strategies for Assuring Cyber Supply Chain Security
CIP (6230) - Critical Infrastructure Protection