Events (View all events)

Cyber Beacon

Cyber Beacon

Cyber Beacon is the annual flagship conference of the College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) at National Defense University (NDU). The event brings together leaders and experts from across public and private sector to discuss today's most pressing national security challenges related to the cyberspace domain. 

2021 Annual Symposium

Hopper Award Presentation 

The Admiral Grace Hopper Award is presented annually by the Chancellor of the CIC at NDU. It recognizes distinguished individuals who are both thought leaders advancing the fields of information and cyberspace in the national security community, as well as those who have a track record of efforts in support of a strong workforce. 

NDU Seal

Chancellor's Lecture Series

The Chancellor's Speaker Series features talks by world-class thought-leaders and is hosted by the Acting Chancellor of the NDU CIC, Andrew Walsh.

NDU Seal

Cyber PME Colloquium 

The Department of Defense wide Cyber Professional Military Education (PME) Consortium was established in 2019 and is led by the CIC at NDU. It meets biannually in a workshop format; once a year hosted at NDU and once a year at a rotating Department of Defense institution of higher learning. 


Cyber AND: Bridging Disciplines for Cybersecurity Innovation

| February 4, 2025

Cyber AND: Bridging Disciplines for Cybersecurity Innovation


Webinar | The purpose of this event is to build awareness within the academic community and the Department of Defense about the critical role multidisciplinary collaboration plays in driving innovation in cybersecurity research. Focusing on the ways in which partnerships between STEM fields and the social sciences contribute to addressing complex cybersecurity challenges and highlighting successful collaborations, the webinar aims to inspire researchers to think creatively about leveraging cross-discipline partnerships to tackle emerging cybersecurity threats. 


UC2 Winter Workshop 2024

| December 3, 2024

UC2 Winter Workshop


The UC2 Winter Workshop featured presentations from FY24 and FY23 contributors, focusing on topics ranging from modeling and simulation to persona influence, data management, and cyber risk mitigation.


UC2 Workshop

| June 6, 2024

UC2 Summer Workshop


The UC2 Summer Workshop brought together academic and government stakeholders to evaluate the technical progress and operational relevance of two key projects funded by NSA NCAE grants. 


UC2 Workshop

| December 6, 2023

UC2 Winter Workshop


UC2 held a kick-off workshop for the first two funded grants awarded in partnership with NSA NCAE.


Cyber Symposium

| December 5, 2023

Cyber Symposium 2023

United States Cyber Command and​ College of Information and Cyberspace at​ National Defense University, Washington, DC​ Cyber Symposium 2023 is a live and virtual event.


Cyber Beacon 2023

Cyber Beacon | October 19-20, 2023

2023 Cyber Beacon Conference

10 Year Anniversary

The 10th annual Cyber Beacon is the flagship conference of the College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) at National Defense University (NDU). The conference will be held on October 19 & 20, 2023, as an in-person and virtual event. All students are invited to attend.


Curriculum Summit

| March 29, 2023

Curriculum Summit

Col Ken Miller, Cyber LDP Director, speaks at the 2023 Curriculum Summit. 


Japan Visit prints


Major General Akisugu Kimura Visit

Major General Akisugu Kimura (CIC Class of 2021 Alumni and Inaugural Commander of the Cyber Defense Command of Japan) visiting Chancellor Lewis in Marshall Hall (28 March 2023)


The College of Informationa and Cyberspace held a Chancellor's Lecture Series featuring Dr. Chris Miller covering his book

Chancellor's Lecture Series | 23 February 2023

Chancellor's Lecture Series 2023 featuring Dr. Chris Miller

The National Defense University community is invited to attend the Chancellor's Lecture Series featuring Dr. Chris Miller author of Chip War. The event will take play from 2-3:15pm Thursday February 23, 2023. In-person attendance in Lincoln Hall auditorium is encouraged. There will be a remote viewing option available through the Sunday Skim.


Michele Markoff Grace Hopper Award


Michele Markoff, Department of State, is our 2023 Rear Admiral Grace Hopper Award Recipient

Michele Markoff is the former acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Cyberspace Security in the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy. Since 1998 Michele has been the senior State Department subject matter expert overseeing the development and implementation of foreign policy initiatives on cyberspace issues. She helps to coordinate United States policy on the spectrum of cyber-related policy issues across the Department, develops diplomatic strategies to encourage states to join the United States in taking steps to protect their critical networks and to cooperate internationally to enhance and preserve global cyber stability. She implements those strategies through negotiations in a wide variety of venues. Her initiative led to the successful completion of the first ever bilateral agreement on confidence-building in cyber space between the United State and the Russian Federation, announced in June, 2013. Michele also has been the United States Government Expert on five Groups of UN Government Experts (2005, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016) devoted to international security cyber issues. The last three GGEs led to landmark consensus reports regarding norms for state activity in cyberspace. Ms. Markoff is also the architect of two agreements on cyber confidence-building measures in the Organization of Security Cooperation in Europe, and a similar initiative in the ASEAN Regional Forum. Ms. Markoff was trained as an expert in Russian and Chinese military affairs and decision-making and spent the first half of her career in a variety of strategic nuclear arms control-related posts, among them as State Department Advisor and then Executive Secretary to the START I Talks; later as Senior Policy Advisor and Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency’s Policy Planning Group. Ms. Markoff has a B.A. in International Relations from Reed College, an M.A. in International Relations and an Political Science from Yale University, and a M.Sc. in National Security Strategy from the National War College of the United States. She also attended high school in the former Soviet Union and attended the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


General Paul M. Nakasone, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service, shared his thoughts on strategic leadership with the NDU community as part of the President's Lecture Series on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, in Marshall Hall 155.

| January 4th, 2023

NSA Director Engages with Students

General Paul Nakasone (Director of the NSA and Commander of US Cyber Command) came back to NDU and


Capitol Building

Chancellor Speaker Series | January 2023

Chancellor's Speaker Series for January 2023 features Congressional Panel

The first Chancellor's Speaker Series event for 2023 features Professional Staff Members (PSMs) from


Estonia Visit  on October 19, 2022. Marshall Hall

Chancellor Speaker Series | October 19th, 2022

The Chancellor's Speaker Series 2022

Minister of Defense of Estonia

The College of Information and Cyberspace Chancellor Dr. Cassandra Lewis hosted the Estonian Minister of Defense, Hanno Pevkur, to share his insights as a guest lecturer. It was a great honor for the school to welcome him and the entire delegation, which included Ambassador Kristjan Prikk.  Special thanks to faculty members like Richard A. Love for making this a memorable learning opportunity for our students! 


The Cyber Symposium on Integrated Deterrence, hosted by the College of Information and Cyberspace of the National Defense University, was held on Thursday, November 17, 2022, in Marshall Hall.

| November 17th, 2022

CYBERCOM Symposium

On 17 November 2022, U.S. Cyber Command and the National Defense University (NDU) College of


The NDU College of Information and Cyberspace hosted it's 9th annual flagship conference, Cyber Beacon, on 6 October 2022 in Marshall Hall on the Fort McNair Campus. More information about the event can be found at

| October 6, 2022

2022 Cyber Beacon Conference Hosted by CIC.

National Defense University, Ft McNair, Washington D.C

Our 2022 Cyber Beacon will be held on October 6, 2022 starting at 0700 as an in-person event only.


UC2 Workshop

| 6/30/2022

Department of Defense University Consortium for Cybersecurity Workshop


The Department of Defense University Consortium for Cybersecurity (UC2) disseminated a request for information (RFI) to the academic community on new cybertechnologies pertaining to two topics: (a) implementing zero trust at the tactical warfighting edge, and (b) managing cyber risks to missions. The DoD-UC2 has collected and evaluated RFI responses and is hosting a research workshop to share these ideas with the academic community, with the hope of encouraging further collaboration on cybersecurity issues.


DoD UC2 Workshop

UC2 | April 28th, 2022

Department of Defense University Consortium for Cybersecurity Workshop


The University Consortium for Cybersecurity Coordination Center (UC4) at the National Defense University College of Information and Cyberspace (NDU CIC) hosted the first UC2 workshop. The physical location of the event was the Lincoln Hall Auditorium (#1230) on the first floor of Lincoln Hall at Fort McNair. Attendees included high-level Department of Defense officials and staff members, the NDU CIC Chancellor, the NDU CIC UC4 team, and presenters from seven universities with a National Security Agency (NSA) Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) designation.


Graduates from the College of Information and Cyberspace walk across the stage during the National Defense University's 2022 Graduation Ceremony which was held on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, on the parade grounds in front of the National War College. Admiral Christopher Grady, Vice Chiarman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was the presiding officer over the ceremony.

| 4th Thursday of the Month

Admissions are Open! Monthly Virtual Open House 4th Thursday of the Month

CIC Office of Student Services

The College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) will begin hosting a monthly student recruitment information session online beginning on April 28th at 1300 EST. These interactive sessions will feature information about the school and its programs by representatives like the CIC Director of Student Services Nakia Logan and Director of Strategic Engagement Joe Billingsley. Access instructions and more can be found on the attached flyer.


Colonel Eberhardt Retirement Ceremony

| 12 April, 2022

Colonel Eberhardt Retirement Ceremony

Congratulation to Colonel Eberhardt on his retirement from the Air Force! The CIC family thanks you for your service to the College and wishes you the best of luck on your next adventures!


UC2 Advisory Council

UC2 | 11 March 2022

UC2 Advisory Council

The UC4 team hosted the initial meeting of the UC2 advisory council. The council’s goals included attracting a wide scope of input on future RFI topics, judging the responses to the RFIs, and soliciting support, including funding for research grants, from DoD agencies. Members of the council will also have a role at UC2 presentation workshops, where they will solicit the best ideas from the academic community and determine which proposals are the most beneficial to their agencies.


JPME Cyber Colloquium 2022

Cyber Colloquium | March 11th, 2022

JPME Cyber Colloquium 2022

Gary Brown

College of information and Cyberspace hosted this virtual event to collaborate with other services and federal organization’s faculty on the identification of gaps, opportunities, and obstacles in current PME structure (with regard to cyber) and cyber offerings. Following the welcome from Chancellor Cassandra Lewis and Associate Dean Gary Brown, a variety of different organization’s faculty presented their programs and current obstacles. Followed by a roundtable discussion on similar reoccurring topics and collaboration.


UC2 RFI Collection and Evaluation

UC2 | 24-25 February 2022

UC2 RFI Collection and Evaluation

NSA National Centers of Academic Excellence Program Management Office

As part of the UC2’s RFI collection and evaluation process, a panel of judges was selected to assess the best responses using a rubric developed by the NSA National Centers of Academic Excellence Program Management Office. Members of this office trained the judges on best practices and incorporation of the rubric to guide evaluations during two webinars hosted by the UC4 team. At the end of both sessions, there was a Q&A period.


Cyber Beacon 2021

Cyber Beacon | 9th of December 2021

Cyber Beacon 2021

The Impacts of a Global Pandemic

On 9 December 2021, the National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) hosted its 8th annual Cyber Beacon Conference (CB 2021). Our College's annual flagship conference brings together experts and leaders from across the national security community, private sector, and academia to discuss the most pressing issues concerning cyberspace, information, and national security. You can find links to past conferences on our site under the "events" dropdown tab. The 2021 conference theme was "The Impacts of a Global Pandemic". CB 2021 was held on Thursday the 9th of December 2021 from 9 AM to 2 PM (US eastern time). Due to the ongoing global pandemic, this event was held online. Comments are those of the respective speaker and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the US government or any other entity


Heidi Shyu

UC2 | 7 December 2021

UC2 Kickoff Event

The UC4 team at the NDU CIC hosted the inaugural UC2 Kickoff Event. The physical location of the event was the Hill Conference Room (Room #303) on the third floor of Roosevelt Hall at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. Attendees included members of the Joint Staff J6, the NSA, USCYBERCOM, high-level DoD officials and staff members, a Congressional staff member, the NDU CIC Chancellor, the UC4 Director, and the Director of the UC2 Support Center. The keynote address was given by the Honorable Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)).



Chancellor Speaker Series | 17th of November, 2021

The Chancellor's Speaker Series 2021

Jonathan Rauch

The Chancellor's Speaker Series features talks by world-class thought-leaders and is hosted by the Interim Chancellor of the National Defense University (NDU) College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC), Dr. Cassandra C. Lewis. Our upcoming speaker, Jonathan Rauch (author and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution), is scheduled for Wednesday the 17th of November, 2021, from 9 to 10:15 am eastern. The talk is entitled Staying Real: The War on Truth and How to Win It, and will be followed by a question and answer session. This event will be held in the Marshall Hall 155 Conference Room and streamed online. It is open to all CIC students, faculty, and staff. Access instructions will be provided to those who RSVP. RSVP information will be provided to all applicable CIC personnel via email.


Cyber Beacon 2020

Cyber Beacon | 3 December 2020

Cyber Beacon 2020

Disruption in an Era of Great Power Competition: Pandemic, Infodemic, Space, Cyberspace, and Beyond

Cyber Beacon 2020 is the 7th annual flagship conference of  the College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) at National Defense University (NDU), "Our Nation's Cyber War College".The conference brings together experts and leaders from across the national security community, private sector, and academia to discuss the most pressing problems concerning cyberspace, information, and national security. This conference will take place online starting on 08:00-16:30 (eastern) on Thursday 3 December 2020. The Speakers are strategic and thought leaders at the intersection of cyberspace and national security, with hundreds of selected USG and other guests in the field in attendance.


Cyber Beacon 2019

Cyber Beacon | 13-14 November 2019

Cyber Beacon 2019

Preparing for Disruption

Cyber Beacon is the flagship event of the National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace (NDU CIC). The conference brings together experts and leaders from across the national security community, private sector, and academia to discuss the most pressing problems concerning cyberspace, information, and national security. The 2020 conference is scheduled for 9-10 September. The 2019 conference theme was "preparing for disruption" and there were seven sessions; terrorism and cyberspace, information and disinformation, cyber education, quantum, artificial intelligence, 5G, and the cutting edge. It was held 13-14 November 2019 at the NDU campus on Fort McNair in Washington, DC. Attendance was by invitation only and space limited. While the conference was unclassified, there were optional classified breakout sessions during lunch with led by National Security Council personnel. Information about past Cyber Beacon conferences can be found on this site


Cyber Beacon 2018

Cyber Beacon | 19th September 2018

Cyber Beacon 2018

Decision Making in Cyberspace

Cyber Beacon is the flagship event of the National Defense University's College of Information and Cyberspace (NDU CIC). The conference brings together experts and leaders from across the national security community, private sector, and academia to discuss the most pressing problems concerning cyberspace, information, and national security. The 2018 conference theme was "decision making in cyberspace" and there were six sessions; deterrence, law and authorities, gaming, innovative collaboration, information and disinformation, and cyberspace graduate education. Cyber Beacon V was held on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 September 2018 at the NDU campus on Fort McNair in Washington, DC. Attendance was by invitation only, there was no cost to attend the event, and space was limited. While the conference was unclassified, there were optional classified breakout sessions during lunch. The NDU Foundation supported this conference with catering, reception, and industry information tables. Seating was not assigned, so attendees were encouraged to sit at separate tables from those in their home organizations in order to meet a wider array of fellow professionals in this growing community. Photos from Cyber Beacon IV can be viewed here and from Cyber Beacon V here. See an article about the 2018 Cyber Beacon here. Parking and transportation information can be found here. Check back here for updates about the next Cyber Beacon on 11-12 September 2019.