US Cyber Command's

Cyber Strategy Symposium

The College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) at National Defense University (NDU) hosts the annual Cyber Strategy Symposium of the US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). This day-long event showcases thought leaders from the Command and its partners inside and outside government to ponder the challenges ahead for cyberspace operations. Proceedings from the inaugural meeting can be seen here. Photos from the 2019 event can be seen here. The gathering was paused during 2020 and 2021 due to the global pandemic. Check back here for more details on the series. 


Cyber Symposium

| December 5, 2023

Cyber Symposium 2023

United States Cyber Command and​ College of Information and Cyberspace at​ National Defense University, Washington, DC​ Cyber Symposium 2023 is a live and virtual event.


The Cyber Symposium on Integrated Deterrence, hosted by the College of Information and Cyberspace of the National Defense University, was held on Thursday, November 17, 2022, in Marshall Hall.

| November 17th, 2022

CYBERCOM Symposium

On 17 November 2022, U.S. Cyber Command and the National Defense University (NDU) College of